Freitag, 17. September 2010


it´s finally weekend. my first school week and i don´t to live anymore :) tomorrow i´ll have a soccer game and on sunday my class and i will drive to berlin for 5 days.  i don´t want to go there cause our programm is so boring. we´ll visit everything. shit! we have no free time. 

Mittwoch, 15. September 2010


i really love that shirt. it´s comfortable but lovely. CUTIE !!!

the last week

i´m really sorry that i have´nt posted for such a long time. but school started on monday, and i did´nt find the time to post! and the last weekend i had training and i was so tired every evening. i just did´nt want to post :)
i think i will post more the next days.
i went shopping yesterday and i found a really cute t-shirt but it´s for boys :) i love it so much!